Social Care Alba is always looking for ways to reflect the views of service users, carers and staff. We have recently made our submission to the Health and Sport Committee inquiry into regulation of older people. If you would like to contribute to the inquiry from your own personal experience of from those closest to you then the information below may help.
Call for evidence
The Health and Sport Committee will undertake a short inquiry into the regulation of care for older people. The inquiry will focus on addressing one key question:
Does the regulatory system ensure care services for older people are providing good quality and appropriate care?
To inform the inquiry, the Committee is seeking views on the following questions:
- Can we be confident that the regulatory system is picking up on care services where the quality of care is poor?
- Are there any particular weaknesses in the current system?
- Does the system adequately take into account the views of service users?
- Does the registration and regulatory system provide an appropriate basis for the regulation, inspection and enforcement of integrated social and NHS care in the community?
The closing date for written submissions is Wednesday 24 August 2011. Owing to the timescale required to process and analyse evidence, late submissions will only be accepted with the advance agreement of the clerk to the committee. Responses should be no more than four sides of A4 in length. We welcome written evidence in English, Gaelic or any other language.
Responses should be sent, where possible, electronically in Word format to the following address:
You may also make hard copy written submissions to:
Health and Sport Committee
Scottish Parliament
EH99 1SP
What happens next?
The Committee will consider all submissions received and identify issues emerging from the evidence which it wishes to investigate further through oral evidence sessions. A list of organisations and individuals participating in oral evidence sessions will be published on the Committee agenda papers in advance of the relevant meeting.
Should you require alternative formats of this document or further information or assistance in making a written submission to the Committee, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerking team (0131 348 5410).