Thursday, 23 August 2012

Inclusion Scotland

We are proud to announce our membership of Inclusion Scotland.  Since our inception we have championed to voice of the people we support in many ways.  Some of these include meetings, press coverage, report to government, creating links and forums.

Inclusion Scotland (IS) is a consortium of disability organisations, individual disabled people and social partners with shared aims.  We work towards eradicating the barriers-physical, economic, cultural and attitudinal - which prevent disabled people from being fully included in society.

IS was founded in 2001, as a direct response to calls from the grass roots of the disability movement for a new national organisation, which would give us a voice strong enough to be heard by policy makers. It is run by disabled people themselves for, as we have the experience of disability, we are best placed to speak out on the issues that are important to us and affect our daily lives. Already over 60 disability groups from throughout Scotland have joined in partnership with us.

Our role is to enable meaningful communication and consultation between disabled people in Scotland and policy makers at local and national government levels and with bodies such as the NHS, all of whose decisions and policies can profoundly affect us. We want to reverse, through civil dialogue, partnerships, capacity building, education, persuasion, training and advocacy, the current social exclusion experienced by disabled people. 

In IS we share the ethos of the social model of disability as opposed to the medical model, which expects disabled people to regard their impairment as their problem and adapt to fit into the world as it is. The social model of disability, however, recognises everyone as equal and looks beyond a person’s impairment at all the relevant factors including the barriers that affect their ability to be a full and equal participant in society.

To learn more about Inclusion Scotland and how they may help you please visit their website by clicking here Inclusion Scotland

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Healthy Working Lives Award

We have all been working hard over the past year to secure our first healthy Working Lives Award, no more so than everyone in our office.

Just some of the things that we have been doing are:

  • New Section of our website
  • E-learning for all
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Walking challenge
  • Healthy eating
  • Runs
  • Abseils down the forth road bridge
  • Sponsorship of "The International Children's Games"
  • Sponsorship of Motherwell FC
  • Handing out pedometers, water bottles, thermometers, first aid packs and lunch boxes

I would like to thank everyone who has worked so hard over the past year and we hope you will work with us as we go for our next award.


Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Annual Report 2011/12

Our Annual Report is a way of keeping you up to date on everything we have achieved together, and the goals we have set ourselves for the coming year.

To read more please click on the link SCA Annual Report 2012

We would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to our success in past year and look forward to working together over the coming year.
