A pocket guide for Community and Social Care staff has just been launched by NHS Scotland. The guide is available as a handbook, download or as an app.
Developed in association with Health Improvement Scotland, the Care Inspectorate and Scottish Care the toolkit is a wealth of useful information.
Currently only an Apple app version is available for DOWNLOAD
The pocket guide is currently out of print, however a DIGITAL POCKET GUIDE can be viewed here.
If you would like a good old fashioned paper version then contact hai@nes.scot.nhs.uk who will be happy to help.
Hope you find this helpful.
Developed in association with Health Improvement Scotland, the Care Inspectorate and Scottish Care the toolkit is a wealth of useful information.
Currently only an Apple app version is available for DOWNLOAD
The pocket guide is currently out of print, however a DIGITAL POCKET GUIDE can be viewed here.
If you would like a good old fashioned paper version then contact hai@nes.scot.nhs.uk who will be happy to help.
Hope you find this helpful.