Thursday, 25 February 2016

Partnership Working

Social Care Alba has, over the past few years built up a number of partnerships on projects which will benefit both our staff and those for whom we provide support.

Whether it is helping make Edinburgh Dementia friendly or developing new and innovative ways of providing support, we know partnerships work.

If you would like to get involved in one of our existing projects, or you have an idea that you think Social Care Alba can help with, please get in touch.  The only criteria we have for working in partnership is that it has a direct benefit to either:
  • Our staff
  • Service Users
  • Family Members
  • Allied health professionals, or
  • Care Providers across the UK

BUDDY to join the Team

Yes, Social Care Alba will be the first Care Company to welcome Buddy to Scotland late in 2016.

Buddy is the worlds first Social Robot.  He is not a replacement for staff, but can work in addition to the team when you need the security of knowing help is there if you need it.

Our staff will have their thinking caps on working out ways Buddy can help improve the quality of life of our service users.  If you have any ideas, then I would love to hear from you.  Click HERE to find out more.

Healthy Working Lives - Silver Award

I am proud to announce that Social Care Alba have been awarded a SILVER Healthy Working Lives Award.

Over the past 18 months we have been working together to improve the health and wellbeing of our staff.

Campaigns have included:

  • Healthy Eating
  • Exercise
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Alcohol Awareness
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • and much more....

Thank you to all the staff who have been involved in the campaigns.  Now we have achieved Silver, we are on our way to GOLD.